iabetes Education and Awareness Programme with the National Diabetes Institute (NADI)
A survey done by the Ministry of Health shows that 15% of Malaysians above 30 years of age suffer from diabetes, and these diabetics may not know how best to take care of themselves
If left untreated, this medical condition called “Refractory Epilepsy”, leads to slowly progressive, irreversible brain damage over the years. Children who suffer this type of epilepsy have impaired a higher mental and behavioural function, which severely compromises their potential to lead normal lives. Adults also suffer impairment of higher mental and behavioural functions, resulting in loss of occupation, inability to drive, failure in social integration, increased risk of injury and sudden death. 

In 2006, Sime Darby Medical Centre Subang Jaya (SDMCSJ), commenced a Comprehensive Epilepsy Programme that offers:

  • Comprehensive evaluation by trained epileptologists 
  • Up-to-date investigation in the form of state-of-the-art Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and video Electro Encephalo Gram (EEG) monitoring 
  • Selection of patients for surgical treatment 
  • State-of-the-art operation theater facilities for safe and effective epilepsy surgery 
  • YSD supports SDMCSJ in carrying out this meaningful and beneficial programme by sponsoring 50% of the treatment cost to selected needy patients, as well as funding the epilepsy awareness programme. YSD’s contribution for this programme is for a period of two (2) years, amounting to RM360,000.

Through this epilepsy awareness programme, SDMCSJ will create the nationwide publicity and awareness campaign required to reach the target segment of the public and equally important, government hospital doctors, who are expected to form the principal referral network. Continuing medical education seminars on epilepsy management for doctors would form a major part of the publicity and awareness campaign, besides publicity in the mainstream media and specialised publications for doctors, such as the Medical Tribune. A team of neurologists/ epileptologists, neurosurgeons and neuro-radiologists will be formed to select appropriate patients for surgical treatment, perform the evaluation and recommend treatment according to the pre-determined selection criteria.
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